• Hardscape

    Bring Nature to Indianapolis Commercial Landscapes

    When you think about commercial landscapes, the beauty of nature doesn’t typically come to mind. Commercial landscapes have traditionally been quite institutional, and often are void of significant natural elements. Incorporating nature into landscaping designs has a positive impact on business and customer relationships, as well as the communities served.

    Hittle Landscaping helps our Indianapolis clients create beautiful, natural commercial landscapes to benefit all. Explore these ways to marry nature with the traditional institutionalism of the following types of commercial property landscapes.


    The beauty of nature has been shown to have a positive effect on healing. The effects of simply gazing upon a garden have been studied, and shown to speed healing rates from surgeries, infections, and other illnesses patients suffer.

    Hospitalization is often a stressful and stress-building time for a patient. With natural commercial landscapes available on the grounds of a healthcare facility, simply enjoying these views provide patients with a means to relax, reducing anger, pain, and anxiety. Natural commercial landscapes have a proven effect on muscle tension, blood pressure, and heart and brain electrical activity.

    Hospitals may incorporate nature into their commercial landscapes in many means. Internal courtyards accessible within a facility are growing in popularity, providing healthcare workers a natural but guarded environment for patient use. Walking paths and outdoor seating amongst natural elements invite visitors, provide families a gathering place to visit and promote exercise and wellness among patients, workers, and the community.

    Assisted Living Facilities

    Assisted living facilities benefit from natural commercial landscapes in much the same way as hospitals. With natural landscapes available, resident stress and pain may be reduced. This boosts the immune system, promoting healing and inhibiting the spread of illness throughout a facility.

    A natural commercial landscape that incorporates safe walking paths invites residents to venture outside. This mobility not only benefits physical health, but mental health as well, combatting reclusiveness and depression.


    Students have so much to learn from nature – schools may promote this natural education by promoting a commercial landscape that features many forms of nature. From landscaping surrounding buildings to a dedicated outdoor learning center, there are many options for natural commercial landscapes.

    Natural commercial landscapes provide a space for leisure, allow students to interact with natural components, and deliver outdoor classroom space. These landscape designs assist in the learning process while encouraging stewardship and a love of the environment amongst students.

    Office Parks

    As businesses move to show a commitment to environmental sustainability as well as wellness, natural commercial landscapes are growing. Gardens, living walls, parks, and walking paths within the grounds offer an opportunity for businesses to showcase sustainability efforts while supporting wellness initiatives.

    Boosting physical activity is shown to improve workplace happiness and productivity. Employers who facilitate exercise reinforce their commitment to employee wellness by delivering a dedicated venue.

    So, bring the beauty of nature to the commercial landscapes you manage. Hittle Landscaping offers a variety of solutions that are low maintenance and easy to implement. Contact us today to learn more.

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